Monday, 25 February 2013

Analysis of Advertisements; IM79, Kunal Vaid


A 'Change' may be defines as the process of losing one's original nature and becoming different in some manner. It has been found through various studies that most people are fundamentally resistant to change.Bigger the change more the resistance.Thus any kind of change made to an established brand (in form of name, positioning and personality) is a complex issue and need to be dealt with delicately.

This is the reason i have take two advertisements that convey such a change in terms of brand name through a tv commercial. The two efforts, while having the same basic message to convey, differ in a nuanced fashion in terms of motivation and perception.

(1) The first commercial above deals with conveying the change of UTI bank to Axis bank.

Anticipated perception of consumers:

As is the case of any change in brand name, the consumer might perceive the newer brand in isolation of the older brand.This has the implication of  brand getting diluted even though, as is true in many cases,  the only thing that has changed is the name . Axis bank anticipated that their customer perceive a change in name as loss of credibility. And this is exactly what is being addressed here in the commercial. By communicating that  that the new entity is a 'twin' to the older entity ( only the name getting changed) the bank attempts to reassure customers of their credibility and hence tries to change the consumer perception about the brand.

Thus Axis try to work around the perception of 'change being bad' by suggesting that there is no change at all!!


By working around the traditional perception of change, the bank asserts that 'everything is same except the name', a punchline that is intended to motivate customers to continue the association that they might have with them.
The motivating factor being the assurance of continuing credibility and reliability.


In my opinion, while the emphasis on the fact that the change is only superficial one may be able to reassure the customer of the continuing credibility , at the same time a great opportunity is lost to give the brand a freshness and hence cash-in on an opportunity to attract newer customers by positioning one self as novel  cutting edge or transformer (rather than changed).

(2) The second commercial deals with a similar kind of challenge handled by Vodafone when they took over Hutch.Vodafone wished to assimilate the hutch brand into Vodafone. The commercial has the same basic message but differ subtly from the earlier advertisement.

Vodafone realized that the communication to the customer should be such that the existing customers should be reassured of the credibility of the old brand but at the same time new customers (as well as the old customers) should be communicated the 'freshness' and 'superiority' added to the brand with the backing of the known name  ,'vodafone'

Anticipated perception of consumers:

By continuing to use the popular hutch-dog in the initial commercials Vodafone made sure that the change perceived in not very strong, as the customers associate the dog lovingly to their old brand and hence to carry the dog to your next commercial is to carry 'everything good from the old brand' to your new name. But at the same time the change is glaring communicated through the new (and better looking) dog house , a fact that communicates that the change is there but it is for the good.

So unlike Axis Vodafone works around the perception of 'change being bad' by saying that actually, change can be good too!!!


Motivation for the existing customers can be the continuation of trust and credibility of Hutch.But interestingly by communication a change 'for the good' the motivation can also be a sense of superiority that the new brand carries now as compared to what it carried before.

New customers can get motivated by the big and known name of 'vodafone'

 Clearly the two campaign shows how the marketers understood the general consumer perception about 'change' in general, and tried to work around the same for solution.The path taken were different yet effective!

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