Friday, 29 March 2013

130_Robin Bains_Ad Analysis


It’s been more than 20 years till where I am able to toil my memory, heard endless speeches about patriotism and love for nation. Some were actually very impressive and others were just a plain copy of some speech that everyone must have heard somewhere. But one thing that I cannot deny that no matter how cliché those speeches or words were, they always left a mark in my mind. I always love my nation and I always believe that I owe a lot to my country.
But one advertisement that left a very deep impact on me and indeed most of the people around me is “Tum Chalo to Hindustan Chale” campaign by “Times of India”. The advertisement tries to portray the following issues:
ð  The Power of Unity
ð  How we should love our nation
ð  If things are worse than its only we who can make a commendable change
ð  We should not wait for an opportunity and should do the best there and then
ð  Last but not the least that it is at the end “OUR NATION”

                  The target audience here is general Indian public, since it is a national daily and its aim to reach every Indian household. To enlighten every Indian with the correct and best news happening globally and present the thoughts in such a way that everyone must be able to associate oneself with the news and get the idea of how the happenings matter to one.
The methodology used is incomparable and shown in the simplest possible style.
2.    Objectives:
               There are two objectives that are associated with this advertisement:
i)             Times of India is Nation’s newspaper and they want to increase their sales by striking the cord of National Integration.
ii)           They want to communicate that since it is not that if you are alone then you cannot cause any change. One should take the initiative and if you are correct and ethical then everyone will definitely follow you.
DAGMAR Analysis of the advertisement:
Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results. The approach involves setting specific, measurable objectives for a campaign to determine if specific objectives were met. Specifically, DAGMAR seeks to communicate a specific message through four steps:

·         Awareness - making the consumer aware that the product or company exists
·         Comprehension - letting the consumer know what the product is used for
·         Conviction - convincing the consumer to purchase the product

In this advertisement they have met the goal to meet both their objectives. After this advertisement there was a substantial increase that was seen in their sales and also I have met people who were really moved by this advertisement. Seriously all respect to the add maker.
3.    How is the execution done?
The advertisement is a 2 minutes long one and can be divided into various phases:
Phase I: There is traffic jam, as a big tree has fallen down and has blocked the way, a common man says to the traffic police in frustration, “It ain’t going to work this way”. The traffic police man just ignores him. Alongside the road there is a police van in which a police office is enjoying a sound sleep on duty. The most frustrating part is when there is a special vehicle that is arranged for the politician, who was also stuck in the same jam and that fellow shamelessly go and take the vehicle. People in general are just waiting as if some Messiah will come and some they and some people are even complaining about the country in general.
Phase II: It suddenly starts to rain and everyone run to a shed. A little boy who wants to go to school, but put his school bag down and takes the initiative and try with his full strength to move the tree (of course the chap is too petite for this activity). Everyone starts to notice him and were really moved. He was even joined by some street kids and they were enjoying the effort they were putting. Now a lot of people gets the courage by the heroic act of this boy and everyone come s and join had in this effort.
Phase III: Now there are almost 50 odd people who try to move the tree and they put in their full effort and were eventually successful in moving the tree away and clearing the way. All of a sudden sky gets clear and sun shines even brighter and everyone even comes and congratulate the boy for his heroic act. Everyone who thought that nothing could be done were witnessing this event in a surprised mode.
“All in all a superb way to show the power of love for nation and power of unity”
4.    Appeal:
There are two aspects of appeal highlighted in this advertisement that is:
I)             Rational: Highlighting the impact of a start.
II)           Emotional: Since it highlights the power of unity and national integration.

5.    Message Structure:
The idea was to inspire people to visit the polling booth and cast their votes to make justifiable use of their democratic rights. The Lead India anthem will go down as one of the most prominent ones in the history of ad campaigns in India.
They want to communicate that since it is not that if you are alone then you cannot cause any change. One should take the initiative and if you are correct and ethical then everyone will definitely follow you.

So this is the overall analysis of the advertisement and this advertisement has really served the purpose of its objective.



It’s been few of those advertisements that has evolved into striking the cords of emotional quotients of people, their strengths, their responsibilities, their duties, their believe and their values. The product was presented in a way that only people with these strong strengths can actually affords this product called SUMO not financially but emotionally.
The advertisement tries to portray the following issues:
ð  How responsibilities are big challenge
ð  Till what point can you go for your duties
ð  Can you be what you actually are?
ð  Above all do you have the courage to drive SUMO

                  The target audience is those Indians who despite being betrayed by situations, their duties have put in hardships in their lives and those who dare to be them. Those which such qualities deserves a SUMO
The methodology used is good and shown in a very simple way.
2.    Objectives:
               There are two objectives that are associated with this advertisement:
i)             To highlight the strength to SUMO by striking the emotions of people.
ii)           So that they are able to associate the product in a  better manner.
DAGMAR Analysis of the advertisement:
Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results. The approach involves setting specific, measurable objectives for a campaign to determine if specific objectives were met. Specifically, DAGMAR seeks to communicate a specific message through these steps:

·        Challenges shown in responsibilities, by showing a window taking the responsibility of entire family.
·        Showing the conviction of a Doctor who has to go to a village in rainy season to help a lady who is in immense pain and about to deliver a baby.
·        To showcase the simplicity  of a person who is still down to earth even though he is quiet affluent.

Though the Ad was not that affective at that time but even today when I talk with someone about this ad they don’t have to toil their memory much and they are able to recognise it in a single shot.
3.    How is the execution done?
The advertisement is a 2 minutes long one and can be divided into various phases:
Phase I: Shows a window in her mid 30s who instead of portraying her helplessness in front of someone is taking the step ahead and takes the front step for her family and is a real hero in life. She was shown driving her family in night to some place.
Phase II: Shows a doctor who has just returned home from a full tiring day and receives a helping call. The doctor drives all the way in heavy rain to help the lady. This shows the strength of commitment.
Phase III: Finally shows a affluent lad who always remembers his old tough times and does not hesitates to stop his SUMO to help the roadside kids to climb his SUMO and take out the entangled kite from tree.
“All in all a superb way to show the strength, commitment and simplycity”
4.    Appeal:
There are two aspects of appeal highlighted in this advertisement that is:
I)             Rational: Highlighting the impact of a start.
II)            Emotional: Since it highlights the power of commitment and dedicated.

5.    Message Structure:
Overall if feel that the way the narration is done is superb and should have been taken in the best of the ways. All in all a good advertisement and motivates many to never hide from duties.

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